Business English



  1. Wal-Mart Plans Moves, Pay Cuts for China Staff
  2. Wal-Mart Meets Union Opposition to China Job Cuts
  3. Wal-Mart China sweetens jobs deal after union talks


  1. School conversation & school dialogue
  2. Disconnect in Action


    Unlike the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka are concentrated in the monsoon months, June to September, and the skies are generally clear for the rest of the year.

  1. Unlike the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka
  2. Unlike the United States farmers who can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka
  3. Unlike those of the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, most parts of Sri Lanka's rains
  4. In comparison with the United States, whose farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka
  5. In the United States, farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, but in most parts of Sri Lanka the rains

    On account of a law passed in 1933, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion  or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.

  1. On account of a law passed in 1933, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold
  2. With a law passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold
  3. A law passed in 1933 that made it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen holding
  4. Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold
  5. Due to a law being passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold


  • 第一,公司的目标是什么?
  • 第二,公司将要采取怎样的长期投资战略?
  • 第三,怎样筹措投资所需的资金?
  • 第四,公司运营所需的短期现金流量是多少?


Going global
Netizens or Not? About Chinese Online Communities & Use of the Term ‘Netizen’
Talking about your hometown in English
网络安全公司Atomic Corp
Organizing and Visualizing Information in The Brain 7[提取码: c62u]
LastPass 101 - Generating Secure Password [提取码: cm74]


  1. 中行弃竞购洛希尔银行股权
  2. 商家发力,防止圣诞销售滑坡


  1. 美国市场营销协会发展史
  2. What is a brand?
  3. How Buffett built Berkshire Hathaway


    A pair of architects in Britain, who say that giant arches, bridges, and walls made of artificial bone could be easier to design and build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, for showing how their idea would work.

  1. build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, for showing
  2. build than conventional structures, and they have already designed a number of structures, which includes a bridge, to show
  3. build than conventional structures, have already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, to show
  4. also to build than conventional structures, already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, which shows
  5. to build than with conventional structures, have already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, which shows

    Some patients who do not respond to therapies  for depression may simply have received inadequate treatment, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been taken off a drug too soon.

  1. having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been
  2. having, for example, a drug prescription that was ineffective because the dosage was too low, or being
  3. as, for example, having too low of a dosage of a prescribed drug for it to be effective, or being
  4. when they have, for example, been prescribed too low a drug dosage to be effective, or were
  5. for example, when they have a drug prescription with a dosage too low to be effective, or been


经过近40年的时间,沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)将一个摇摇欲坠的纺织企业变成了一家3家控股企业、总资产达1650亿美元的公司,同时也使自己成为全球第二富有的人。与传统意义上靠继承或生产致富的富翁不同,巴菲特从未参与实际的商品生产或销售,投资逐利就是他公司的主业。巴菲特认为投资最大的收益是“时间复利”。例如,1989年巴菲特认为可口可乐公司的股票价格被低估,因此他将伯克希尔公司(Berkshire Hathaway Cooperation)25%的资金投入到可口可乐股票中并一直持有,该项投资从最初10亿美元飙升至今天的80亿


HBS: How to Improve Your Business English
CBS News - Warren Buffett: Just a regular billionaire
How Buffett decides if somethng is a good investment
Warren Buffett: Bitcoin is an asset that creates nothing


  1. 年轻人该如何面对就业低迷
  2. 15 Ways to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview


  1. California lost 190k residents last year
  2. How to best prepare for a marketing job interview?


    A recent poll indicates that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative and liberal political views; i.e.,  they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting many specific government programs for health care, education, and the environment.

  1. they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting
  2. they denounce big government--they say that government is doing too much and has become too powerful--but supporting at the same time
  3. they denounce big government, they say that government is doing too much and it has become too powerful, while they support at the same time
  4. while they denounce big government, saying that government is doing too much and has become too powerful, at the same time supporting
  5. while they are denouncing big government--they say that government is doing too much and it has become too powerful--supporting at the same time

    Although at one time children's programming had been limited to a few hours a week, now, however, there are at least four cable networks that dedicate themselves entirely to shows produced specifically for children.

  1. Although at one time children's programming had been limited to a few hours a week, now, however, there are at least four cable networks that dedicate themselves
  2. With children's programming having been limited at one time to a few hours a week, now at least four cable networks have dedicated themselves
  3. Once limited to a few hours a week, there are now at least four cable networks with children's programming that dedicate themselves
  4. Children's programming was once limited to a few hours a week, but now there are at least four cable networks dedicated
  5. While children's programming had once been limited to a few hours a week, at least four cable networks are now dedicated




Donald and Melania Trump as newlyweds (2005 CNN Larry King Live full interview)
Simple Ways to Market to Potential Students [提取码: ynir]


  1. Facebook渴望新一轮融资
  2. 通用在华汽车销量创下单月销售纪录


  1. AMA: Answers in action
  2. Mazda 3 sedan - exterior features


    The health benefits of tea have been the subject of much research; in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting some forms of cancer, the brewed leaves of Camellia sinensis may also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  1. in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting
  2. in addition to its possibilities to prevent or inhibit
  3. besides the possibility that it prevents and inhibits
  4. besides the possible preventing and inhibiting of
  5. besides possibly preventing or inhibiting

    Today's technology allows manufacturers to make small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their production history.

  1. small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their
  2. small cars that are more fuel-efficient than they were at any time in their
  3. small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those at any other time in
  4. more fuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in their
  5. more fuel-efficient small cars now than at any time in




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Youtube - Our Brand Mission 提取码: 8fni