- Jan 13, 2020
+ Video streaming site, https://v.bizedu.net is online.
- Sept, 2019
+ Site migrated to Oracle cloud
- April, 2019
+ New web site, https://img.bizedu.net, is now online. Based on Chevereto, and to provide image hosting service.
- Q1, 2019
+ Video files re-arranged and whole site refurbished & redeployed on Debian distro
- Q1, 2018
+ Site migrated to New York datacenter, US
- February 7, 2018
+ 模板引擎升级为Pug v2
- March 8~9
+ 重新设计首页、升级为fullpage版本,提升浏览体验与便捷性
- March 4
+ 站点迁移至日本东京Linode机房,提升中国大陆地区访问速度
+ 完成DNSSEC配置(域名系统安全扩展)
- March 3rd 商务英语课件正式上线
+ 生词词义悬浮提示
+ 调整课件目录结构,减少目录访问层级
- Feb. 27 2016新春版上线
+ 引入Twitter Bootstrap前端架构以兼容移动端浏览体验
– 内容简化,去除MITOCW、下载等内容